Monday, April 05, 2010

Det var ett jävla tjat om den här Alexander Sundqvist ;)

Vissa saker är värda att tjatas om ;)

Well so anyways we went to Chili after Mello. I would show you ome pic, but my lovely Toschiba decided to break, or the charge hole. So the battery is dead and I can´t use it. Notebook-doctor tomorrow, because I hate my dad´s notebook.

But it was really nice at Chili, to many P2, Red Bull vodkas and Tequila Rose..just :P The club is driven by one of the contestants of swedish Momma´s Boys, Tim. A really cute guy, maybe just a bit too much tan for my taste ;) Then the other contestants from Momma´s Boys were there and Tim´s mom, that was really nice, we talked a bit by the bar and danced later :) Then there was Jackie Ferm, from Paradise Hotel... No comment. She wasn´t that nice to people I can say. And Alexander Sundqvist (he is from Mamö). He is a world model, is damn hot and funny ;)xoxo,

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