Monday, May 17, 2010

A saturday in Chur (SUI)

On saturday morning Sonja had to work, but me and Guzzi took the car to Chur, to visit his brother :) On the way we made a stop for a apertif though, one glas of champagne (you can never get too much of champagne). After picking up Luggy (G´s brother) we drove the last kilometers to Chur and went for lunch in Süsswinkel.

A really nice carpaccio with ruccola as first course and I had salomon with aspargus as main course. With a scoop of amaretto ice cream as desert. Of course a bottle of champagne and a bottle of red wine was drank too :P

Afterwards Guzzi and his brother went to spend some quality-time and I went for a bit of shopping. Manor is a really great place to shop, they have like everything. Sadly I didn´t have that much time because we were supposted to leave at 4PM, because Sonja waited for us at home. But I got into a huge Tally Weijl shop too, and met the rabbit :P


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    wow looks like a nice city!


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