Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sochi - Сочи

A big part of my day was spent on my oral Power Point presentation for my russian class about the Olympic Games 2014 hosting city, Sochi (Сочи). Well, 4 hours I sat with it, of course not getting it done, believe me, it takes time. The hardest thing is that you need to use a translator all the time, because you can´t write normally with russian letters in the Office programs...

I´m really tired today too, just slept like 4 hours (yes, I know that some of you hate that I use the word "like", like everywhere, but it is just the way it goes).

And I´m angry, becuase I missed Cristiano Ronaldo play today, that means Portugal, I thought they were supposted to play now, 20.30, but it is Brazil-North Korea :/


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