Friday, July 16, 2010

Cristiano Ronaldo & Cristiano Jr.

Cristiano with his sister´s son

He is the daddy now. But I think the paying a surrogat is total bull-shit. And everyone who "knows" Cristiano should think the same, I mean, look att him (I don´t mean on this pics). Do you really think he would want a baby right now? I mean pay someone to born a baby for him? So I think that all the tabloids and people should give him a break about this bull-shit, some privacy maybe...

If you still think so, then I have one more question: What was the first thing he did after Portugal was out of the World Cup? It sure wasn´t flying back home to be with his new born...

And btw. I still do love the Cristiano, no question about that, I think he is great, daddy or not :)



  1. Henry3:05 AM

    This stupid rumour that Ronaldo has a son must end!
    The little boy that Ronaldo has in his arms is Ronaldos sister son!
    Ronaldo is the uncle!

  2. Du som länkade på Aftonbladet.

    Är du helt jävla pantad eller?
    Bebisen är inte Ronaldos son. Det är hans syrras son.

    Men antar du gjorde det här för att du trodde du skulle få en massa views o shit..

    kolla vid min5

  3. well, he has a son, thath this is his sister´s son is another thing, but he sure is a daddy. Or atleast that is what he himself are saying.

    - - - - - -

    DV: nej gjorde dte ej för att få besökare, elelr jo det såklart, men inte för att luras, fick nämligen bilden skickad till mig om att det var han och hans son.

    Fast egentligen om man kollar hela inlägget så står det inte någonstans att det är ett foto på honom och Cristiano Jr. Utan själva inlägget är om dessa två. har nu dock skrivit bildtext under fotona, så det ej blir fel :)

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