Kan inte sova =( Klockan är 04. 09. Titisee-Neustadt om 2 dagar, Tad hänger troligtvis me :) Canadensarna sa sista kvällen"Ehh, she only cares about the austrians, everyone else doesn't mean anything to her." NO STEFAN, that's so NOT True, and I do hope you didn't really think that... honestly... - det va inte kul att höra :( För det e fan inte sant..inte fullt ut iaf. Visst jag gör everything för österrikarna, men finns en hel del andra som jag faktiskt gör jävligt mycket för också, så att höra att Stefan hade sagt det var inte kul :(
Nothing more to say...Over And Out...
Radio right now: Christina Stürmer - Ich lebe...
Oh, your blue eyes...
Vicky, why aren't you writing in english anymore?
ReplyDeleteThat was much more fun to read your blogg... now i don't understand anything... that's so sad... :( Please. Keep on writing in english. plleeeeaaase
gday hows it goin. no idea how i got onto your blog but thought i would say gday whilst i am here. I am an 18 yr old guy from australia who recently came to your great nation to ski. didnt understand much of your message except u had trouble sleeping...it is now 3am here and i am in the same boat
ReplyDelete@ eln: sorry I write english sometimes, but it won't be that "me" if you understand what I mean. -like I don't use the english öanguage every day which makes no personality in the writing :)