Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I felt I deserved some shopping :)

After a hard night...Studing and had a HARD dream (and it's so Aska's fault), I just felt that the only thing that could save me today was some kind of shopping. I drove to DEZ, parked my car, and who's car do I see? Kofi's... Thinking, just great. Not that I have anything towards him, but people are talking way to much about him these last days, I even started to think about him, don't know why (or yes I do -> ASKA I'll kill you!), in my car on my way to DEZ, so seeing his car there just right behind mine, was ..hmm..weird.

Well anyways I did my shopping, didn't find one sweather that I wanted, didn't really have that much time either just about over one hour, so I just bought some stuff at Zara, one cardigan at H&M, saw my SkiAustria skipants that are on Sale now, so I'll buy them before this week-end when Aga comes and we'll go skiing =). Only 50€ sale, so they are still expensive, but anyways. Then of course I picked up some freshly pressed orange juice and a 6-pack of Red Bulls *addiction*.

And I wrote this in english so my dad won't understand it... He hates me spending money on shopping all the time :/ Karo I thik you know something about it, huh? ;)

Probably going out tonight, I was a good girl yesterday, only studing..ok almost...


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