Friday, May 11, 2007

It ended at The Penz Hotel

Well, after searching and searching for someplace to watch the Eurovision Song Contest, we took a room at The Penz, ordered Frozen Strawberry Daquiries and Mojitos from the Bar at the 5th Floor and some roomservice, the we watched the qualifications.

Most say that the starting field was much worse than last year, but I do agree for most of the songs that went to the final (on saturday). Afterwards we made ourselfs ready and went to the Casino.

Well, maybe it's a bit un-nessessary to sleep at a hotel, when you have your appartment only 5 minutes away, but, that just us, impulsivity is my middle-name, we do what we feel for =)

Tomorrow we're going to Zürich, the Renaissance was fully-booked =( So now we stay at Marriot. Sunday we're going to Conny-Land =) And then back to Innsbruck :)


  1. Du är crazy! Och jag är väl aldrig lite avis på er som ska till Schweiz å ha kul. Jag älskar Schweiz mer än Finland, de du!! Gäller dock inte backhopparna.....hahahaha

    Ha så jäkla skoj medans en annan jobbar heeeeela helgen.....


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