I’ve done something that I promised someone not to do [x]
I’ve done something I promised myself not to do [x]
I’ve told someones secret, without permission [x] but only on my best friend
I’ve sneaked out without permission []
I’ve lied to my parent about my wherabouts [x] Remember Zako COC 2006? My parents thoug I was in Gothenbourg with school..haha.. otherwise they wouldn’t have paid my flight :P
I have a secret that nobody knows[x]
I’ve cheated on a game[x]
I’ve not bothered about a test [x]
I’ve been found of a person of the same gender[ ]
I’ve been found of a teacher []
I’ve been kissed in the rain [x]
I’ve hugged someone that was a total stranger [x]
I’ve kissed a total stranger [x]
I get drunk more than once a month [x]
I drink more selten than I would like to [ ]
I can’t swallow pills []
I’ve been diagnotized with depression [ ]
I have anorexia or bulimia []
I’Ve slept for a whole day without really needing it []
I’ve woked up crying[]
I’ve fall asleep crying [x]
I’m afraid of dying[]
I hate funerals [x]
I’ve seen someone die []
Someone that is close to me, has tried to suicide [ ]
Moze to glupie, ale.... poplakalam sie czytajac tego posta.