Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sometimes I'm really blonde...

Totally stressed out to get in time to my statistics exam on 14.00. Needed to drive to Emi to get a calculator and it was a lot of traffic. Were at the Uni 5 minutes before two. So I go to the class, nobody outside, I go in and there is another class, not the exams. I look in my calender, maybe I took the time wrong, or the room, but no everything is correct. So I go up to the 4th floor (psychology institution), maybe they change something, but no, so I go there there the lists for the exams were. No it stays 14.00. Then I look one more time. AND IT IS NOT UNTIL TOMORROW! gaaH!! Then I look in my calender again, and of course I wrote it in correct too, but looking in the calender like 5 times the last day, I didn't see that I've written it on friday, I was totally sure it was today. So it was just to go back home...haha.. So now I'm tidy up my room. Drinking Red Bull and just feeling myself a bit stupid, but, well blonde is always blonde :D



  1. haha fyfan vad klumpigt!

  2. Haha! Men skönt att du va 1 dag tidig och inte sen då :P

  3. Anonymous4:03 PM

    hahaha klump! :P

  4. hehe...ja det var jue iaf det positiva :P


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