Sunday, June 29, 2008

Torres makes 1:0 for Spain :)

FERNANDO :D They are like showing him the whole time on the screen, and who is happier than me? :) Well, Spain is in the lead, but I'm happy, I mean it is indeed Fernando Torres :) But I still cross my fingers for the Germans :) But if it will be penalties, then Spain will win, 'cause Casillas is so fucking great in the goal (our how do you call the "Tor", "Mål"?).

Emi is here, we are drinking Prosecco, just ate Mcdonald's food (well, I wanted Garden salad and not french fries, but do you think the idiot gave Emi that?!), so just McNuggets, Cola Light and an McSundae :) -> NO CARBS!

Soon the game is on again! Exciting!


P.S. Lahm is so small, but he is injured, so won't play second half. Torres is 186cm, That's HOT!


  1. SPANIEN!!194 som zlatan är hetare;)

  2. Men Zlatan har ful kroknäsa :D det har INTE Torres.....

  3. haha Zlatan är inte ful nånstans!;D

  4. I say it one more time FERNANDO TORRES, who the fuck need anyone else? :D

    lite lustigt det där, jag har något för världs och europamästare på senaste tiden..hahahaha...


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