Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Fuck Off, so over it!

I heard today that I sleep my way up, as much as posible, that I only go to ski jumping to fuck and other stuff. You know, I know that some people are saying that shit,and well, duh, I understand them, they need to find a reason why everything seems to go my way, as they seen it.

But you know what hits me? When I hear that this shit comes out from the mouth's of people that are so called good friends of mine. This is maybe a bit weird, I thought the same first, this person maybe just wants to ruin my relationship with this girl/girls, but after hearing what they are saying, it all makes sense. I've noticed some tensions about some subjects that where coming up the last amount of time, some comments felt and so on...

I think it's time for me over again to revalueate my "friends", grade down a couple of you, put some non trust stamps on some of you.

But you know what the most stupid things are? That I have told you all so many times, that if you talk shit about me to someone, I WILL GET IT. You can't trust anyone, also a person that is totally trashing me, if you trash me to her/him, believe me she/he will tell me. That's the fucking best part of the ski jumping world. If your not honest and loyal, you dig your own grave.

Over and out... And don't bother to ask me "who was it? Was it me?" I won't answer, if you didn't talked shit abut me, then you have nothing to worry about, if you did? Then maybe it is about you, and if not this time, then be sure it will come out, everything comes out in the ski jumping arena...Especially if it is about me, call me egocentric I don't fucking care, I know the truth.



  1. Sjukt drygt att folk alltid ska hålla på sådär.Är man vänner är man ju glada för varandras skull istället för bittra,avendsjuka idioter som snackar en massa skit.

    Det är bra att du är stark och man inte kan trycka ner dig så lätt.



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