Jag tycker att Lauren's klänningar och kreationer är ursöta, kunde kostat lite mindre, men absolut ursöta :) Vad tycker ni?
Ur Lauren's blogg 21 November 2008:
So, it's that time again.... I've just finished designing my Fall 2009 collection. Now, as I do with every collection, I need to name all the pieces. When I was begining I used names and nicknames of my friends and family, but I ran out of names after a few seasons. So, as I was starting to name the pieces in my fall collection, I had an idea. Since it is the support of all the fans that allow me to do this line in the first place, I should name pieces after them. I would love it if you could send me a message with your name and you may have a piece in my fall collection named after you. Thanks again for your continued kind words and support! Best wishes!
Om ni vill föreslå ert eget namn, så gör det HÄR!
söt bloggg
tack :)
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