Well, yesterday was a quite calm evening out, and the town was kinda dead except from some old people everywhere. So we went on a walk...kinda..haha... Well, exploring new alleys..haha...
At leas we found a Vespa in the windy night ;) I mean it is no motorcycle, but still :P Today it is time for the real Halloween parties, but in some way I´m just not feeling it, so won´t really dress up. Well, it sure will be a black dress, but nothing corny...
Believe me, now you blowed your chanse of ever gettig me again or, Sarah... Disappointment indeed, but what the F, about you, never.... But we can all believe in the wrong people, right?
It was a really interesting night, were quite much was revealed I must say. New stuff and maybe old stuff, well. I don´t really need to tell you that I wasn´t home at midnight right? But I wasn´t drinking much :)
I have a english exam in 45 minutes, so need to go for that, then tonight it is Zombie Night at Weekender :) With some pre-drinks at my place.
we were out yesterday :P and we weren´t supposted to take any shots..yeah right, wasn´t that much going on so Luci just sat at the bar quite much with the boss, and they gave us Tequila shots! TEQUILA! I freakin´ can´t drink that, which noone seems to understand..hehe...
Well, anyways it was a really funny evening, would want to write some more, but some stuff are maybe better to hold a secret, because I know a lot of guys read this so ;)xoxo, Vicky
The winter hat from SVEA. Or well, I ordered it, so it is in Sweden and my mom will send it to me. Worth the almost 50€. I sooo loooove it! xoxo, Vicky
Hur många av er såg säsongspremiären av Svenska Hollywoodfruar? Kul att de är tillbaka och främst för att underbara Agnes-Nicole Winter åter är med i rutan, hon är en sådan snäll och otrolig person :) Ska jag göra min topplista så blir det: 1. Agnes-Nicole 2. Maria (har lärt mig att gilla henne) 3. Päivi 4. Isabel 5. Lena
Så nu ska vi kasta lite ris, Lena tycker jag är GRÄÄÄSLIG. Hon är hemsk helt enkelt. Sen kommer vi till nytillskottet Isabel. Jag tycker hon verkar väldigt trevlig och jordnära i sin blogg, men jag blev rent ut sagt väldigt förvånad efter avsnittet. Det känns dels som om hon försöker bli en ny Anna Anka(vilket hon inte lyckas med) och därtill är hon inte det minsta..hmm.. ja hur ska jag säga det, gillvänlig? Hon skryter hela tiden om att P Diddy bodde i huset innan och känns väldigt förnäm, som om hon försöker spela världens största Hollywood-kändis utan att ens va i närheten. Eller vad tycker ni?
And a big no no. I think the designs are hideous. They look cheap and loose all the things that are typical UGG Australia. What do you guys think? I mean I love my UGGs, but these I wouldn´t wanna wear at all. Just Awful!So not a big plus addingJimmyChoo to the mix.
Appartment-hunt sucks. Well, of course there are some to get, but none of them are like what I want. First of all I can´t understand people who doesn´t have INTERNET!!! I mean, hello?!?!
Then I need a dishwasher, I refuse to live without. And of course a wash-maschine. Thereto the room must be about 25sqm. Non-smoking appartment and near to the city-centre and definetly not in Pradl. At most a 3-person apparment with a nice kitchen and bathroom.
So basically it all sucks. Are gonna check one appartment out today, so we´ll see.
Ja, jag kunde nöjt mig med att sätta in en flagga, men nejdå, låt oss bli lite nostalgiska och sätta in mitt blogginlägg för en annan Österrikisk Nationaldag, mer exakt 2006 ;)
Österrike's Nationaldag i förrigår, va helcrazy, så helcrazy som det bara kan bli med backhoppare inblandade...haha... Kom hem ca 10 igår morse...haha... Hände massa skoj, kommentarerna som faller e alltid klockrena och ni ska få ta del av lite:
Herbert: So what are your plans? Vickan&Malin: What? H: Yes, what are your plans, I mean you have your small bags. V: hahaha...what? small bags...haha.. So what does small bags mean? H: Yeah, you know small bags. V: It's just fashion...haha...
Pa väg att byta klubb, men pa vägen går vi in om en Polisstation. Marc: Hej, vi skulle vilja lämna vara uppgifter Polisen i speaker phonen: Varför det? Marc: Sahär i förväg, ifall vi skulle göra något olagligt under kvällen. Polisen: *klick*
Jag trodde jag skulle dö av skratt, tur att Fetti va där för jag hade verkligen legat pa marken annars...haha..
Efterfest, klockan är...ja mycket. Vi e ca 10 pers i ett rum. Malin sitter me Marc i soffan, Herbert sover i den soffan me. Jag, Fetti & Basti halvligger på golvet. Nån annan sitter i fåtöljen, Kike ligger i en fåtölj bakom mig. Marc reser sig ur soffan: Kike: Ska du inte knäppa byxorna?! M: Oj, kanske. *knäpper byxorna*. Alla inklusive mig kollar pa Malin. Folk tittar pa mig. Vickan: Meeen MALIIIN!! Malin: men jag har inte gjort nåt...tihihihiii...
Hände mucho mer..tihi.. men men... Kommer sätta ut lite citat fran olika tillfällen sa småningom, men tills dess far ni vänta :P
Anna Sui is giving out a book and Rachel Zoe had a little talk with her mostly about her new Spring 2011 collection which is FAB (normally not my piece of cake, but I love these looks). See the whole collection HERE
Rachel Zoe: Since 1991, you have inspired the fashion world with your collections, which are distinctively feminine yet rock and roll. Browsing the pages of your eponymous book, Anna Sui, is there one look or collection that stands out to you the most? Anna Sui: Look 31(model: Megan McNierney) from my spring '11 collection features a lot of the signature elements that I'm known for: collages of vintage floral prints on floaty chiffon, handkerchief hems, embroidered velvet, tall boots, long feathered beaded necklaces. The total boho rocker chick look. RZ: Growing up and into adulthood, how did you develop your own personal sense of style? Who are your muses? AS: I always like a rock and roll influence. I still always ask myself: Is it cool enough for Keith Richardsand Anita Pallenberg? RZ: As a global influence, you have built an empire through your clothing, accessories, fragrance and cosmetic lines-what advice do you have for young men and women looking to follow in your footsteps? AS: Build a recognizable brand; establish icons that are identifiable to you. Make sure that each product that you develop has your signature. Every tube of Anna Sui lipstick should give you the same thrill as you get from an Anna Sui dress.
RZ: What is one fashionable item that you are coveting this fall? AS:A champagne deco patterned paillettes on tulle dress from my fall collection (picture to the left, Model: Sasha Pivovarova). RZ:Just like your clothing, your book is exquisitely designed and full of images by legendary photographers and insider's commentary on your world. What are some of the inspiring tomes on your own coffee table?
Oki, I fucking hate snow, winter and this cold wet stuff coming down from the sky. It freaking snows today and I just wanna die. HATE HATE HATE! So I really can´t wait until I can move to LA, hopefully already end of next year.
So, I saw Dear John yesterday with Amanda Seyfried and Channing Tatum and the movie was so beautiful :) But well, definitly not a movie to watch with a guy if you don't wanna cry in his company.
I really liked Amanda Seyfried in Mamma Mia! but now I don´t think she looks good at all, do you? Channing Tatum is kinda cute though :) Need to add that I wasn´t founf of The Notebook, but this one I loved :)
Skotten i Malmö är hemska. Känns mer som något som händer i USA än i hellylle-Sverige, men hey Malmö ska väl inte vara sämre.
Nä, men utan att skämta så kan man jue säga att man har tur som inte ser utländsk ut för fem öre. Kanske låter okänsligt, men i sådana här lägen tänker man bara på sig själv, familjen och vänner. Och ser man på offren så har praktiskt taget alla skjutningarna inträffat i sämre stadsdelar och är riktade mot "mörkare" utlänningar.
Min största fråga är dock om alla dessa personer på något sätt är kopplade till varann? Om det verkligen inte ligger någon röd tråd långt ner begraven. Vad tror ni? Eller är det kanske en förlängning på att SD kom in i Riksdagen? Långsökt, men vem vet...
Och helt ärligt, jag hade varit skiträdd, så tur jag inte är i Sverige just nu iaf :)
I need some tips regarding good movies to watch. Just downloading Dear John, but otherwise I'm kinda empty on titles, so come on give me some :) A short explination would be nice too :) xoxo, Vicky
It was a hard day, especially when you're hang-over. Came home like 15 minutes ago and it is 22.37 right now. Had a lot of classes, and then we had the Psychology Exchange meeting (we invite students from other universities in other countries to come to Innsbruck for 1 week, a real cool thing).
So I'm kinda dead right now, and tomorrow I have the fit-check by the sportsmed at 10, so no sleeping in there :/ So now I'm gonna watch the latest episode of America's Next Topmodel and then it is finally sleeping time :) xoxo, Vicky
2 Red Bulls Sugarfree, 1 big Macchiato and I still don't feel that well, but I sure am at the University... 4 hours of lectures until now, and it feels like I've been here forever... Well, have one lecture left 17.15-18.45 then I'm freeeee.
Yesterday was supposted to be an easy night...yeah right, look how that went... But of course there were some funny moments :P Especially a special person beeing in a really crappy mood, or turning into a really crappy mood :P And he wasn't really appretiative when I asked "What's up with you now?" "Hee, what?" "well, suddenly you are in a kinda crappy mood" ..hahaha... I can be mean sometimes. And yeah, I know that everyone of you guys aren't following right now, sorry, but can't really get more into details...
Well, a good thing happend today though, I found a friend..hehe... Well, not that I don't have friends, but at my english class, and we are quite alike, so the lectures were kinda much better than they would have been. On the last one the professor told us to keep it down and calm down..haha...
So, her name is Vicky :P And she is blonde too :D So on our lessens tlday we only had one name-sign, between us with Vicky written on it and then 1 and 2 in the two upper corners and two arrows :D Yes, I know this is very smart, we thought so too :D
If I didn't feel alive yesterday, I sure feel it today.Or my torn ancle joint does. It's quite swollen after my fainting session yesterday and it hurts... I think I re-tore it a bit :/ Took some pills in the night and now I'm just cooling it with...spinach :P Well, it was the only thing we had in the fridge that could work. Need to do the rest of my english and russian homework now, but talk to you later :)
Well, I think it is quite amusing to push your body to the limit..or over it. You feel that you will soon pass out, it starts to blacken before your eyes... what do you do? You push harder... And there you go, a sequence of your life flashes by, like you were on another level and you are out. For a couple of seconds. People coming running, what happend, what happen? Are you OK? Come lie down. So I lie down for a minute and then I sit up, take a couple of sips from your electrolytewater and you feel fine, I mean I did this, I´m quite familiar with this, lets move on...
The people ask if I´m fine, they get the sportsmed and makes a big deal of it. The sportsmed comes, and ask if everything is OK? Have you eaten today?Yeah, not much, but sure. She only looks at me and she knows the deal. "Not much". Well, I did eat, 4 chicken mcnuggets (170kcal) + sourcream sauce (100kcal) and a small apple. She just say, OK, and when?About 2, I answer. Then I got and gave plasma :) And then I came here. "Eat something before next training OK? Atleast a bar or something for the sugar, OK?"And then she went. The other worker of the Premium Club by Body & Soul still sitting with me asking if I´m OK. Yeah, I mean come on it was like almost 10 minutes ago that I fainted."Good that you´re feeling better, but no more training for today.""Hee? So you don´t think that I can go and make 40 minutes of intervall runs on the treadmill?""You are joking right?" "Not, really...".
Well, I listened and went to the changing room. So, why do I do this? Sometimes I understand the drug addicts, that are so stupid to try heroin, why they are doing it, that they want to feel something, something else.
The people that knows me, knows that I love to be on the edge, go to the limit. But the last period of time, there was like nothing that has made me feel that way, there´s like nothing that I really wanna do and that is something that makes a person feel, hmm.. well not alive anyway, so you want to do something, so that you know that you are, you know?
So that´s my story from my private sphere for today. How was your day?:) I wanted to write this in swedish first, I mean, that would make less people understand it, but then my mum would, and she hates when I do this stuff, she gets like all worried and would probably treathen me with taking my Amex card, so therefore you all got to understand this "small" outlay.
Free day today, some kind of strike at the University, and no, of course I´m not participating. Are soon going to meet up with Sarah for some coffee in McCafé, the we are going to spend som plasma, and 17.00 I have a appointment with a trainer regarding VacuStep- first time.
OK, I'm so glad that people told me not to see this one at the movies, 'cause it really sucked! It was like 1h15min with hoping when this pain will end. Yeah, there were a few funny moments (but, you sure can count them on one hand). And did you know that Matt Lanter from 90210 is playing "Edward"?