Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hur mår the lips?

OK, I get a lot of questions about my lips from people that don't understand swedish. I did it on friday in Zmedical in Stockholm. It was made with Restylane Lipp which is a fluid-injection that is not permanent. It holds between 6-12 months, then if you don't want to loose the new volume on the lips you need to re-do the procedure/injection. (HERE you can watch a Youtube-video of an lip-agumentation)

The pictures that you can see are not the end-result, especially not the ones from yesterday were the lips are really swollen. The result will be much more natural and smaller. It didn't hurt becaue of the local anestehtics that I got injected before the Restylane Lipp-injection.

It's still swollen today, but much more less than yesterday, and I hope it will totally calm itself down during the day :)

Do You have any other questions?



  1. Anonymous2:16 PM

    yes :-) can i ask how much the price was? it looks really nice, and i am thinking to do it - it just depends on the price ;-)

  2. well, the price is about 2000 swedish crowns. Zmedical is a bit more expensive 2200kr incl. the local anestethics.
    but normaly it costs 1900kr for one ceringe of 0,5ml. Just look so you really get a good person to do it and use anestehics 'cause otherwise it hurts as hell. Restylane Lipp is also the best, otherwise you have normale restylane, perilane, juvederm.

    take care!

  3. Love it! Snyggingar! ;)



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