Saturday, January 31, 2009

Look at those crazy jumps

World Cup in Sapporo today, I looked at the resultlist and couldn't believe my eyes! Well, not the fact that Schlieri won, he is in a amazing form right now and then you can jump good under every cirrcumstances. He won with almost 40 points! But look at the other people jumps from first and second round. CRAZY!

1SCHLIERENZAUER GregorAustria133 m120.5 m253.3
2MORGENSTERN ThomasAustria112 m123.5 m216.9
3LOITZL WolfgangAustria112 m119.5 m211.2
4KEITURI KalleFinlandia127 m96.5 m193.3
5WATASE YutaJaponia121.5 m99 m187.9
6LJOEKELSOEY RoarNorwegia116 m104 m186.5
7AMMANN SimonSzwajcaria107.5 m111.5 m185.7
8ITO DaikiJaponia109 m110.5 m185.6
9KUETTEL AndreasSzwajcaria104.5 m114 m183.8
10HULA StefanPolska111.5 m106 m180.5



  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Schlieri is phenomenal!!!
    He's the diamond of season ...
    Very sexy diamond :D

  2. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I think that Vicky knows something about that ;)

  3. Anonymous6:07 PM

    The second competition will be for Morgi:)


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