Sunday, March 29, 2009

What you do on a sunday?

Jag har ett slutarbete att lämna in innan den 1:a april. En intervju med en sportsman som är minst 20 år. 45 minuter lång intervju..VET NI HUR MYCKET DET ÄR? Sedan ska allt skrivas ner in i minsta detalj, men tankepauser, skratt etc.

Tack Arthur Pauli :) Som dock kanske inte mår så bra efter gårdagskvällen..haha.. Geschlecht? Mir ist schlecht!

Intervjun är dock anonym, så att Artl inte fyllt 20 än, är en mindre detalj..haha..



  1. Rachel7:34 PM

    I've noticed that you make really terrible mistake - you put 'a' before sunday, monday, thursday. It's unacceptable :) Of course it's nothing bad, everybody makes mistake but when you put it into a title of your blog I just cannot look at that^^
    Btw, I've always wondered how it's possible that Kofi is so tanned ;p Is it a real tan? ;>

  2. really, because for me if I write on sunday it is on this special sunday, when it is a sunday its on whichever sunday you want to. like in swedish you say vad gör du på söndag it is what do you do on sunday (like tihis sunday) and then vad gör du en söndag? (what are you doing on a sunday eve`?)

    he is tanned, but on that oic he just came back from egipt with his girlfriend, he gets color very fast.


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