Saturday, May 02, 2009

Dagen efter ångest?

Jag har slutat med det dära med ångest, känns ganska skönt faktiskt. Men ganska död har jag varit hela dagen dock..hehe.. Städat köket har vi gjort, såg ut som ett bombnedslag :/

All I know
Is everything is not as it's sold
but the more I grow the less I know
And I have lived so many lives
Though I'm not old
And the more I see, the less I grow
The fewer the seeds the more I sow

Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try

I wish I hadn't seen all of the realness
And all the real people are really not real at all
The more I learn the more I cry
As I say goodbye to the way of life
I thought I had designed for me

Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
I'm all I'll ever be
But all I can do is try

All of the moments that already passed
We'll try to go back and make them last
All of the things we want each other to be
We never will be
And that's wonderful, and that's life
And that's you, baby
This is me, baby
And we are, we are, we are, we are
In our love
We are free in our love
Ett avsnitt av the Dollhouse, sedan sleep :)



  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Vic I love so much that song!!!!
    I was sure I'm only one who enjoy that. Kiss!!!!

  2. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Vic I love so much that song!!!!
    I was sure I'm only one who enjoy that. Kiss!!!!

  3. Ja angest borde man bara strunta i... Om jag nu kundde vill saga... :)


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