Thursday, October 01, 2009

Welcome to Stephanie Pratt´s closet

To all the Hills fans. We all miss Lauren Conrad. I think that Lo is my new fav, but who knows soon it may be Kristen Cavallari. But honestly I haven´t have time to watch the first episode of the new season yet :/

The sad notice is though that Steph will probably leave the Hills after this season too.
I think Audrina, Lo and I are all going to leave after these 10 episodes. I don't know how much more I can take of The Hills. The Hills is very brutal."

But for now we check out Steph´s closet.


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Zgubiłam się i w The hills i w The City :/ w ogóle juz nie wiem o co chodzi :/

  2. to na se mozesz wszystko poogladac od pocztku lub na sciagnac :D Ja the hills dopiero od 4 sezonu zaczelam ogladac, ale se sciagnelam te poprzednie. no i ci mowilam o tym one tree hill, to jest super!

  3. Anonymous9:28 PM

    oooooo chyba sobie posciągam, bo fajne to jest, a one tree hill oglądałam kiedys ale tak też co drugi odcinek, ostatnio mnie greys anatomy pasjonuje :P

  4. ja, wlasnie Greys nie cierpie..hahaha


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