Sunday, December 27, 2009

8 fast ones with Lauren Conrad

1. What's the first thing you think of in the morning?
"What I'm going to eat for breakfast."

2. Do you plan your outfit the night before or same day?

"Same day. Last minute."

3. Watch or no watch?
"No watch. BlackBerry tells time and is always with me."

4. Same perfume every day or different ones depending on the occasion?

"Different. I have about 15 in my bathroom. Commitment issues."

5. Breakfast? Brunch? Lunch? Or Dinner? Which is your preference?

"I'm a big breakfast person. Sometimes I eat it for dinner."

6. Gym or outdoor exercise?

"Outdoor. I love hiking and playing tennis."

7. Favorite holiday?

"Christmas. (Cliché)"

8. Who is the last person you talk to at night?

"The last person I see..."


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Nice post & nice blog. I love both.


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