Saturday, December 05, 2009

Blir pistoler något i min vardag?

Som jag berättat innan, så har jag sökt jobbet som Anna Anka´s assistent. Och det skulle bli sjukt kul om man fick det såklart! Idag på Aftonbladet läser jag om ett polisutryckande till Anka´s hus i Kalifornien. Bråket uppstod efter att Anna sparkat ett hembiträde, som Paul tyckte var fel gjort. Båda parter ringde polisen och Anna sägs ha varit rädd för Paul då han riktat en PISTOL mot henne dagen innan. OMG! Ja, nu är det jue vad som står i kvällstidningen, så om det är sant eller inte vet man aldrig. Därtill bor Paul på hotell och inte i huset.
TMZ spoke to Anka, who told us the couple has been having "escalating" problems for months and he's been staying at a hotel. Anka says on the day of the incident, he had rolled by the house to take the couple's kids to school, when he and his wife began arguing over the maid -- who Anna had fired the day before.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Anna called 911 and told them she was afraid because Paul had pulled a gun on her during an argument the night before. But Paul says his whole house is under video surveillance, and when officers arrived, he played the tape -- which showed no such incident. Cops took a report -- but no arrests were made.

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