Thursday, January 28, 2010

Paris Hilton gives 9 lessons to Success

1. Don’t Blend In

“The only rule is don’t be boring and dress ‘cute’ wherever you go. Life is too short to blend in.”

Everyone’s born an original, but most die copies. Learn to stand out, to be different, unique, and original; that’s the way you were born. Blending-in is not a good thing! Live your life true to who you are! But, you must learn to do this without compromising your values or your standards (assuming that you have values and standards…).

2. Confidence is Critical

“I think it’s important … to be confident. Believe in yourself, and … everybody’s hot.”

The poem is true, “If you think you’re out-classed, you are, you have to think high to rise, you must be sure of yourself, before you can ever win a prize.” You must believe in “you” before anybody else will; you must be the first partaker of the gospel that you preach. You must be the first to sign-up for your fan club.

3. Action is Crucial

“I don’t really think, I just walk.”

I’m not suggesting that you don’t think, however I am suggesting that you don’t… “just think.” Never dream when you should be working. The greater your success, the greater the action required. Are you in action, are you walking?

4. Market Your Abilities

“It will work. I am a marketing genius.”

You can be the most talented person in the world, but if no one knows it, what good does it do. Labor to understand marketing, supply and demand, your niche, your audience…

5. The Imagination is Powerful

“I’d imagine my wedding as a fairy tale… huge, beautiful and white.”

Albert Einstein said, “The imagination is more important than knowledge.” Learn to imagine the life you want to live. Don’t leave space in your mind to ponder on negative situations that may occur.

6. The World Is a Friendly Place

“That’s hot!”

Learn to see everything as “hot” or amazing. Albert Einstein said the greatest decision you will ever make is your decision to view the universe as friendly or hostile. There is something positive to be said about every situation and circumstance. Learn to recognize the many blessings that surround you. That’s hot!

7. Celebrate Everyday

“The way I see it, you should live everyday like it’s your birthday”

Everyday should be a celebration! Create a lifestyle where you’re happy all the time. Learn what you like, surround yourself with things that make you happy. If you like writing with a $2,000 Mont Blanc pen, then that’s what you should write with. Create an environment everyday that you’re excited about.

8. Work Hard and Follow Your Heart

“I’ve made all my money on my own without my family and I work very hard, … Just listening to my father . . . So just basically following that and following my heart.”

Hard work, there’s nothing like some old fashioned hard work to help you along the way. Nothing great has ever been achieved without hard work. Additionally, learn to follow your heart. Listen to what you’re heart is saying. Don’t follow your feelings; they will deceive you more often then not. Follow your heart, control your feelings. Never let your feelings, get in the way of your future.

9. Make a Name for Yourself

“I don’t want to be known as the granddaughter of the Hiltons. I want to be known as Paris.”

You have one life to live, what are you going to do with it. I suggest you make a name for yourself, why not you, why not now!




  1. show people you care and are willing to help. thats the best for me that you do..

  2. Anonymous6:03 AM

    It's amazing how well Paris has done for herself in the past three years.

    I admire and respect her.

    When there are setbacks and life hands her lemons Paris makes lemonade.

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM


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