Thursday, February 25, 2010

Arrived in Wisla

650km. Like 7 hours drive, but I needed to stop so many times to go to the toilet!! CRAZY! Normally I pee maximum one time during like 900km. But in the end I arrived in Vestina. And guess what? There are already two girls standning outside the hotel for the guys..haha... "Heja Norge" for you guys that knows whomit is...

And I met Lobbeno :) It´s funny, because it is almost always that way that I meet Lobben as the first person/ski jumper when I arrive :P The austrians aren not here yet :/

I have a BIG room..3 beds..haha...



  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Vicky! I'm telling you! Don't you dare replace me with someone who is not worth it!!!!! :P Your place is my place and I don't want to share this place with someone strange :P

  2. hahahahaha...spoko kaska. obiecuje ze jak bedziesz zastepiona to bedzie to godne ciebie :P

  3. Anonymous10:35 PM

    o matko, to już się boję :P

  4. hrhrhr..good girl, not gone bad yet :P

  5. Anonymous9:03 AM

    bad girl, who was always bad so nobody could had noticed that she's gone bad :P

  6. tsss...seen my pic on facebook? :P the good girls been back for a long time now :P


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