Monday, February 15, 2010

I´ve calm down

We´ve come to an agreement in the end. I won´t say that I´m happy about the Nissan Qashqai Acenta. And yes, it is brand new. Yes, I am spoiled. No I didn´t want the car. Or I didn´t want THIS car. But as said we´ve come to an agreement.

I don´t know if you´ve followed my blog for a while. There is really only one car that I want, and my dad is negative to it and says that he won´t buy it for me. But after my little outburst today, I´ve agreed to take the SUV until the summer, and this summer I will get my Porsche Cayenne Turbo S for sure :D

And you want to know antoher negative thing about the SUV? It is NOT black :/ My dad bough the fashion-color for this year dove-metallic (well, that was nice of him, to ask about the IT-color right now, but I still want a black one).



  1. This is a good stuff too;) But Porsche is the best of course:P

  2. Btw. My idol is Audi Q7 <3

  3. Ekhm...I think that complaining about the colour is the last thing you should do. Your parents buy you everything you want(Porsche!). You're really lucky girl that you don't have particulary work(don't tell my that working from time to time as a bartender is your main livelihood), only study and have fun. Your mom and dad pay your credit card bills, take you on an luxury holidays and so on. Most of the girls at your age don't even have their own car, they have to work in a full-time job and study at the same time. You know, I'm not writing this 'cause I'm judging you or something like this, but I think that most of the time you just don't appreciate your life and this what you've got. People'd like to have a half of this what you get from your parents, really ;) And I know that probably I'm not the first person telling you this but maybe you'll think about that ;p

  4. Elly: I know I am lucky, and that many people would jump out of joy even having half of what I am having, but the whole thing is about how you are brought up, what you are used too. I am spoiled, I know that, but I've always been, so my commands and wishes are big too.

    I appreciate what I get, and I know I'm lucky, but I still get furious when I don't get what I want :)

  5. FeraWerto1:41 AM

    Trudno mi zrozumieć twoje niezadowolenie tym samochodem.Wiele osób nie stać na używany a ty wybrzydzasz nowym...Ok jakiś tam sobie wcześniej wymarzyłaś, ale to nie powód, by kucić się o to.Nie mogłaś poprostu docenić tego co ktoś Ci dał?I może zamiast kupować nowy samochód mogłabyś ofirować coś komuś kto tego bardzo potrzebuję.I z pewnością z tego czynu będziesz bardziej zadowolona :).Nie miej mi za złe tych słów.Pozdrawiam!

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