Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Corn, Sick & Daily

Don't feel great today...Not even close. I think that all the stress and lack of sleep has got to me. I was away with Tad at Mamma Mia for some late lunch, then I had russian at the university where we luckily didn't had to talk at all because we watched a russian movie.

Now I'm working on some pics for the Austrians. Tomorrow is Planica, and I haven't even packed up after I arrived yesterday, I'm like so dead, and my voice is like gone...

Daily Outfit.

Jacket: ROXY
Jeans: Gina Tricot
Shoes: UGGs Australia
Classic Tall Chocolate



  1. ale masz fajną tą białą kurteczkę :)

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    get well soon!:)


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