We just came back from the World Championships Opening Ceremony in Planica. SO MUCH FUN! hahahah... I don't even have a voice left...hahahaha... The teams called me the highlight of the evening. Everyone was like laughing so hard. I was like with the girls in front row. Screaming and jumping and filming..hahaha...
I promise you I was like the biggest fan, in Heya Norge Style (without screaming to them that I loved them though :P). It was so much fun..haha.. Then we went back to out hotel with the Austrians, and there were some fans taking pictures with Wuff, Morgi and Kofi, so I said that I wanted one too. And Morgi was just telling me that I drunk wodka, and I was just like, NOOOO! I'm always like this! hahah..yeah right Vicky :P The lift ride was fun to. Morgi of course needed to press the Alarm button..hahaha... TYPICAL...*LoL*.Of course you will get movies from it all :P
Kofi isn't jumping for Austria?! R u kidding?! Please, write something more about it...
oh gosh, what would i do without your blog??:D that definitely made my day!!!it´s so cool to hear this storys and it´s unbelievable that u are so close to the austrians!:D yeaaah, write more and post some movies if u can! have a wonderful time there!
he was the worst in the training so he didn´t made the team :/
Ufff! I thought that he change the team ;d
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