Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This is the trip I'll be making in the next days until next monday. My flight leaves from Munich about 13.00 today to Oslo. I'll meet up with Tad there :) Going to a party with Kasia today, and tomorrow we go to Lillehammer for the World Cup. On friday after the competition we go back to Oslo for the World Cup finale. Where I also will meet up with lovely Yana ♥ On monday morning (my fav song :P) we fly back to Munich and head back to Innsbruck for a couple of days, before it will be time to leave for Planica :P

Oki, time to pack the last stuff!



  1. Pulka2:49 PM

    zazdroszczę, zazdroszczę, zazdroszczę, Podróżniczko! :P

  2. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Świetne musi być takie życie. Zawsze dzieje się coś ciekawego.
    Daj Gregorowi porządnego kopa, żeby mu wróciły siły i uśmiech na twarzy! :)


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