Thursday, April 01, 2010

A fun day on the town with tha girls

Lunch, then some shopping, Lagerhouse for some glases (I need special glases to drink my coffee..haha.. otherwise it doesn't taste well..haha..). Then to H&M where I bought one pair of oily jeans leggins with leather knees and a pair of high heels (H&M makes really confy shoes). Futher to Gina Tricot where I took 2 pair of jeans, the same model, but two different colors (that's the way I am) and a belt. Some sequins at Panduro Hobby, where we also played with masks..haha..

Some coffee and mousse de choclat in Espresso House and then I got my nails fixed :D Before I bought something for my eye-lashes from L'Oreal to make them grow better and be thicker. We'll see if it works :) The girls just arrived. I'll show you our outfits before we leave.



  1. Söta kort" Låter som en toppen dag! Ha en skön Påsk! Nice blogg!


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