Friday, April 02, 2010

Let´s get this party started

So we came to the club. Eddie standing handsome by the ropes and letting us in :) Inside I met Antonio, Toni and Massi. OMG! How long ago I haven´t seen some of those guys! Ordered a P2 and we sat down for a chat. Some dancing, drinking and playing Black Jack (the dealer was such an asshole...which I of course told him with another gilr that was also palying). You know what he answered? You just won 300kr, you shouldn´t be saying anything! - WHAT?! Well, that she won 300kr was sure not because of you. You are just giving the cards out. OMG! I was so freaking mad, I´m telling you. But I went away traded in my marks and bought a Xide Bright (sugarfree cider pomegranate).

My feet
were killing me. My new HIGH Diesel shoes were telling that they were on...

Then it was time for some photo shoot..haha...



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haha, jag tror jag dör så bra bilder! :-P

  3. Are those girls your friends from the high school years or something like that?

  4. yeah, they are :) high school, and Karro I've known since 6th grade of elementary school :)

  5. Anonymous8:32 PM

    oh my god Vicky this dress is too small for you!
    There are for sure better ones!
    Your arms look very thick :-(

  6. Elisa3:54 AM

    amen. i mean you're not fat!! but sometimes the choice of your clothes or rather the size, are out of all reason.

  7. I can´t understand why you think that Vickys dress is too small? It is short and looks like it should be looking...

  8. Anonymous2:08 PM

    yeah, i think aswell, that the dress has to be this size!

  9. Anonymous3:06 PM

    maybe it has to be this size, if, she shouldn't wear it! because it makes her thicker as she probably really are!

  10. Anonymous4:20 PM


  11. Va snygg du var och en riktigt SNYGG klänning=)


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