Monday, April 12, 2010

Travel outfit

Oki, time to go to Sturup.
Bolero: Reserved
T-shirt: Gina Tricot
Jeans: Gina Tricot



  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    you are all the time writing about personal life of other ski-jumpers, so don't really get it.
    what the difference if it's gregor or for instance, kofi?

  2. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Don't you think you are fat??

  3. Anonymous3:07 PM

    how do you guys think, which size is she?

  4. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I think she's like 40-42

  5. Anonymous6:21 PM

    boze gruba krowo, ubieraj sie inaczej....

  6. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I think on the legs its quite more than 40-42. I would say 44!

  7. Anonymous7:41 PM

    XL I think...

  8. Anonymous8:35 PM

    come on! don´t be so rude!!in my opinion she lost so much weight in the last few month!!!compare the pics!! maybe she isn´t stick thin, but she looks gorgeous!

  9. Anonymous9:10 PM

    there were some questions about her size before, if she think she's so cool and feel good in her body, whay she won't say one which size she is and cut out all the speculations...

  10. Anonymous9:51 PM

    LOL I´m not Vicky!!but yeah, i like her at this size!and i think she lost a few...but maybe i´m wrong...

  11. it is a difference because Kofi & Michi are official, Gregor never had a girlfriend official.

    - - -- - -

    I don´t think I´m fat, I´m not thin either and I can´t understand why you care so much about my size. I have 31 in jeans and 40 in other clothes, if they are not too small on top, because then can´t button them. That´s why I also want to make my boobs smaller :)

    But as said, I don´t really get the fascination about my clothing sizes.

  12. Anonymous10:08 PM

    you ARE fat, your one leg is like two mines, so yes, u are fat. and the clothes don't fit, but well, if u like gettin laughed out loud on the street - keep it up.

  13. well, good for you girl :) I really hope that you have half of the selfesteem you are trying to put forward here :)

  14. Anonymous10:36 PM

    it's not about self-esteem, it's about not being a little critical for ourselves Vicky. if u are thick - u shouldn't wear skinny jeans or leggins, they make you look hilarious. just be more objective for what u see in the mirror, because it always says the truth which u probably don't wanna see, and this is the reason why u try to fit in such clothes which don't fit u at all.

  15. Anonymous10:37 PM

    "it's about being a little critical " - sorry, my mistake

  16. Linn - Norge8:02 PM

    Ikke bry deg om hva de skriver. Veldig mye stygge ting også da! Synes du ser bra ut jeg. Helt ærlig. Kramis

  17. Mari, Norge10:41 PM

    Enig med Linn, fælt og opptatt de er av størrelser, du er en flott dame Vicky:)Stå på! Er en "følger" av bloggen din, veldig bra :)

  18. takk jenter. Det är lugnt, har vant mej vid det här laget. många år i skihoppningen, och folk vet vem man er, då får man tåla att alla ikke liker en heller:) men takk för era fina ord :)


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