Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Still Alive

Sorry guys for the bad blogging, but these last days was not really as planned. Monday I was supposted to take a short drink with Jennifer. It started with a drink, then we went to dinner in Fischerhäusl, with a bottle of wine, then further to Irish Pub. And I was home like short before 5 in the morning.

Yesterday I met up with Gatsch at 12 (I woke up short after 11), we sat like 2 hours in Lichtblick and talked, then I drove up to Götzens to Jennifer. Back home about 5, then I had russian class, afterwards the ice hockey World Championships were on. Sweden played towards Switzerland, then won with 5-0 :D

Then we watched a couple of swedish series, Svenska Hollywoodfruar, Sverige´s Fulaste Hem and Kniven mot Strupen. And then it already was over 1.30AM.

Jennifer is still sleeping, I did clean up the kitchen a bit.



  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Hej!:) Vicky gdzie i kiedy ty się nauczyłaś tak świetnie mówić po niemiecku?? I dlaczego wybrałaś akurat Innsbruck? Nie rozważałaś innych opcji?

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