Friday, May 07, 2010

Cleaning, Eating, Partying? :D

So what's up guys? I've been tiding up like the whole day. The kitchen, my room (read mostly clothes). Been doing some errands in town. Tonight is Betti's farewell dinner. Or I don't really know how to call it. She is going away on her practics next week. And then Jonas is moving out, and end of June I'm moving out, so our little flat won't be the same again.

But anyways, Betti and her boyfriend Randy is making a 3-course dinner. Daisy is coming too, we'll be like 10 people or something like that. Then tonight we'll head to Weekender :)

Oh, btw they can cook on a new Siemens stove :D We got it today (because jonas broke the old one..haha..).



  1. Anonymous12:22 AM

    do u have ur own flat now vicky?or do u move in a apartment with some other ppl? i´m interested to see ur new home very soon! tell us about it!

  2. no, I still live with me flatmates. until end of june :)

  3. Anonymous2:06 PM

    and than u live alone?


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