Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eurovision Song Contest 2nd semifinal coming up

So the first semi-final has come to an end. Can't say that I'm totally pleased with the result. But the 2nd semi-final will be up tomorrow, 17 counties will fight for 10 places in the final. So my favs are green and the worst ones are red. What do you guys think?

Flag of Lithuania:
InCulto - Eastern European Funk - Funny, I must say

2. ArmeniaFlag of Armenia:
Eva Rivas - Apricot Stone - Good song, bit boring though

3. Israel Flag of Israel:
Harel Skaat - Milim - It´s getting better with time

4. DenmarkFlag of Denmark:
Chanée & N'evergreen - In a Moment Like This - boooriiing

5. SwitzerlandFlag of Switzerland:
Michael von der Heide
-Il Pleu de L'Or - boring

6. SwedenFlag of Sweden:
Anna Bergendahl
- This Is My Life - patriotism or not, but I like this song.

7. AzerbajanFlag of Azerbaijan:
- Drip Drop - It is OK.

8. UkraineFlag of Ukraine:
- Sweet People - terrible

9. The NetherlandsFlag of The Netherlands:
- Ik Ben Verliefd (Sha-la-lie) - Is this a joke?

RomaniaFlag of Romania:
Paula Seling & Ovi - Playing With Fire - OK

11. Slovenia
Flag of Slovenia:
Ansambel Žlindra & Kalamari - Narodnozabavni Rock - Terrible!

IrelandFlag of Ireland:
Niamh Kavanagh
- It's For You - irish feeling, but beautiful ballad

13. Bulgaria
Flag of Bulgaria:
Miro - Angel Si Ti - don't like it

14. Cyprus
Flag of Cyprus:
Jon Lilygreen & The Islanders - Life Looks Better In Spring - beautiful, but really boring

15. Croatia
Flag of Croatia:
Feminnem - Lako Je Sve - I really like this ballad!

16. Georgia
Flag of Georgia:
Sofia Nizharadze - Shine - Another really nice ballad
17. TurkeyFlag of Turkey:
- We Could Be The Same - fun up-tempo song



  1. Linn - Norge2:59 PM

    Å, jeg blir så lei meg hvis Sverige ikke kommer til finalen. Anna Bergendahl er jo kjempeflink.

    Håper også på Armenia (som jeg tror har en god sjanse til å vinne alt sammen med Tyskland), Sveits og Nederland.

    "Ekspertene" sier at det er så mange bra låter i den 2. semifinalen, men jeg mener at det egentlig ikke er noe bedre enn den første. Mange kjedelige låter i år. Litt skuffende egentlig, siden det er i Oslo:)

  2. ja, jag håller med. tycker nog att 2:a semin är sämre än första. förstår liksom inte varför alla säger att den är så himla bra, men vi får väl se :)


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