Monday, June 14, 2010

Let's be honest for a while...

I am 5’4 (162,5cm) or shorter - I'm 5'8 (172cm)
I have many scars - a couple small ones
I tan easily
I wish my hair was a different color
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color

I have a tattoo - 2
I am self-conscious about my appearance
I have/I’ve had/I need braces
I wear glasses

I’d get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free, scar-free - I'll get it anyway :D
I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger
I have more than 2 piercings - belly-button and ears
I have piercings in places besides my ears - belly-button
I have freckles

Family/Home Life:
I’ve sworn at my parents
I’ve been kicked out of the house
I have a sibling less than one year old
- don't have siblings
I want to have kids someday
I have children
I’ve lost a child

I’ve slipped out a “lol” in a spoken conversation
Disney movies still make me cry
I’ve snorted while laughing
I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried
I’ve glued my hand to something
I’ve laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose - mostly Coke :P
I’ve had my pants rip in public - shorts, when I was like 10..haha...

I was born with a disease/impairment
I’ve had stitches - on my fore-head when I was 4
I’ve broken a bone
I’ve had my tonsils removed

I’ve sat in a doctor’s office with a friend
I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed
I’ve had surgery

I’ve had chicken pox

I’ve been lost in my city - 2 weeks ago..haha...
I’ve seen a shooting star
I’ve wished on a shooting star
I’ve seen a meteor shower
I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas - to take out the garbage
I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator
I’ve been to a casino
I’ve been skydiving - would love to do it
I’ve gone skinny dipping
I’ve played spin the bottle
I’ve crashed a car
I’ve been skiing
I’ve been in a play - when I was young
I’ve met someone in person from the internet
I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue
I’ve seen the Northern Lights
I’ve sat on a roof top at night
I’ve played chicken
I’ve played a prank on someone
I’ve eaten Sushi
I’ve been snowboarding - just sandboarding

I’m single
I’m in a relationship
I’m available
I’m engaged
I’m married

I’ve gone on a blind date
I've been the dumpee more than the dumper
I miss someone right now
I have a fear of abandonment
I’ve been divorced
I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back

I’ve had a crush on someone of the same gender
I’ve had sex with more than one person at the same time
I am a cuddler
I’ve been kissed in the rain
I’ve had sex outdoors
I’ve hugged a stranger
I have kissed a stranger
I have had sex with a stranger - well, who hasn't have any one night stands?!

I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t
I have lied to my parents about where I am - School stuff in Gothenbourg, but I flew to some World Cup instead ;)
I am keeping a secret from the world
I’ve cheated while playing a game
I’ve run a red light - in the night, because it didn't change
I’ve been suspended from school
I’ve witnessed a crime - stealing, someone beeing beaten up
I’ve been in a fist fight - bitchslap and girl fight, so not really fist fights
I’ve been arrested
I’ve shoplifted

I've eaten and then puked

I’ve consumed alcohol
I’ve smoked a cigarette
I‘ve smoked pot
I regularly drink
I’ve taken painkillers when I didn’t need them
I’ve done hard drugs - what's hard?
I’ve been addicted to an illegal drug

The list is from



  1. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I’ve consumed alcohol- to mnie zaskoczyło :P

  2. hehehe...dawaj do siebie to ja tez sie dam zaskoczyc :D

  3. Uhhmm, ok, I can understand everything but talking about your sexual experience on a blog where anyone can read(including your I don't know, parents) is a bit weird. It's a little bit of exhibitionism for me. I'm also a young, attractive woman but I can't imagine myself doing sth like this.
    And no, not everybody's had a one night stand. I haven't and I don't think it's a standard or sth. Maybe it's because I've never been alone longer than two months since I was 17 but your way of thinking is just too general. I know you're kind of a very liberated woman but it's too much either way.
    But of course everyone has his own life and can do with it whatever he/she wants :)

  4. well, Elly, as you say everyone are like they are. I don't see myself as a liberated woman, I just think that in Sweden we are just really open about our sexuality, it's not a big thing. And you can easily see that reading other swedish blogs, and comparing to that, this list is nothing.

    My parents don't speak english btw, so I'm good, but if it was in swedish I've wouldn't have posted the sex questions ;)

  5. Anonymous11:57 AM

    a jakposzukiwania mieszkania? powiodłysię?

  6. I don't have a problem with talking about sex but I mean with friends, people who would not judge me just beacuse of what I've said or done. I know that there was a time when many girls who were jealous about you hanging out with ski jumpers were gossiping about you and I just think that by putting here stuff like this, you make it easier for them to say things that aren't true.

    Beside, I think that Swedish sexual education is great beacuse in many countries this topic simply doesn't exist :)

    P.S. What are your tattoos about?

  7. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Have you ever been in a relationship or only one night stands?

  8. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Have you ever been in a relationship or only one night stands?

  9. @Elly, well it doesn´t really matter what I write or not write, the people will talk anyways, it is just the way it goes.

    Of course I´ve been in a relationship, and not only had ONS, Iäm not that easy as some of you may think :)

    One of my tattoos is a black panther on my shoulder, and the other one is gothic text saying mystery on my lower back.


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