Sunday, June 20, 2010

So, we saw Cascada Live :)

We drove to Arena Tirol, which is a huge disco, where Cascada (Natalie Horler) were supposted to perform live. A while after midnight she occoured, and we had the table directly in front of the stage, so it was really great. It was a nice show. The pictures are not great, because it was quite dark and the lights were flashing from the ceiling. I though made some nice videos, you could see one of them yesterday, and here you have her newest song Pyromenia. I will upload rest of them tomorrow.

Gogo Dancers
Do you have a favourite song by Cascada?



  1. gunia8:12 PM

    ja dopiero od niedawna mam na nich zajawę, ale za to na maxa.. a Cascady to słucham odkąd mam mp3 (czyli koło 6 lat) :D pzdr

  2. gunia8:14 PM

    moja naj piosenka Cascady jest "Dangerous" no po prostu na pamięc ja znam.. :) podobaja mi sie jej włosy... takie bujne.. heheh


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