Friday, June 18, 2010

This is summer

Something that I think is so totally summer are gold colored shoes on tanned bare feet. And if it is colder (as it was here today), a pair of dark blue jeans just looks great to it. The two pair of shoes are two of the 8 pairs I bought two weeks ago in Salzburg.

And a little summer tip for everyone. Remember not to wear ballerinas, flats and other shoes that are totally flat, they are really bad for your feet and knees. All of my ballerinas have at least a 0,5cm "heel", and when it comes to taking longer walks in your flip-flops? Buy good flip-flops, formed after the foot. I can strongly recommend Tommy Hilfiger´s for about 40€ (I love mines) or Gisele Bündchen for Ipanema (also about the same price as THs).


1 comment:

  1. sv: hihi jaa big love :D visst är dom :D <3


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