Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Time to take the day on

Another not too nice day when it comes to the weather... I'm soon off to go and get my cell-phone which I forgot when I left my car at the saloon yesterday. As long it will not rain I'm OK.

And I was stopped by the police 2 days ago. Not that I did anything wrong, just some traffic control. But I didn't have the car papers... My dad forgot to put them in the carfile, so I need to go to the station today, still without papers, and probably then once again when I get them :/ It sucks.



  1. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Have you seen the ESC on saturday? Because you wrote nothing about it?

  2. Yeah, I did, but I didn´t have any internet in Salzburg in the hotel, so that´s why :(

    I wrote a bit about it thought :)


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