Thursday, July 15, 2010

Eclipse it was :)

Green Passion at Espresso House then I and Kayt went to Royal to watch the new Twilight; Eclipse. I really liked it, I though must say that it didn´t beat the New Moon for me and I can´t really understand why people are changing from Team Edward to Team Jacob after this movie (I´m not in any team). Or well, except of the fact that Jacob (Taylor Lautner) has a smoking body and he is shirtless like more than half of the time he is on the screen. Or the fact that Edward doesn´t wanna have sex until marriage... But otherwise I thought that Edward was great during this sequel.



  1. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I jaki jest ten film??? lepszy niż New Moon?? warto zobaczyć??

  2. mi sie new moon lepiej podobal, ale film super :)


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