Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Guest blogg

Vicky is in the shower so I´m taking the opportunity to invade her blog! We were earlier out for a shoppingtour, 'cause she told me that they had Zara in one of the malls but no they didn't! But we found some nice tshirts to wear for the evening (gonna tell her to show some pics). Normal people would probably buy a football shirt or wear something that has to do with the favourite country.. but we're not normal.. And we went in to an other mall and Vicky saw after 2 seconds a guy who sold strawberries. The only reason why she would even notice him was because he looked like 14. So we had to go for some strawberries. Of course. And for some reason am I always the one who have to ask people for their ages, and I love my friend to much not to "help her out". She guessed 14 and I guessed 16. He was 23 years old and I have never seen Vicky that happy before, love at first sight! "Omg, I have never seen something that old and still so..beautiful!". Her dreamguy is the strawberryguy in Rathaus Gallerie, a guy who is 23 and actually legal to date, BUT looks like 14! My work isn't over though, since Vicky is leaving Austria tomorrow, I have to go back some day and get his number for her. And check the ID, 'cause she still thinks that he's too good to be 23. I said to her that I could ask him if he had a girlfriend aswell. Vicky:"I hope he has a girlfriend, things would be more interesting then!"

Football at Marktplatz soon, Germany's gonna win it all.

Jennifer Hermansson


  1. oj ał ejć! noo niemcy... do boooojuuuu!!!! złoty team :* Schweini i spółka rozgromią espanie! I nawet tylek torresa im nie pomoże! :D


  2. Anonymous9:34 PM

    omg strawberryguy doedn;t sound like Vicky :P

  3. Vicky: Özil som målgörare? Nee vet du vad, jag vet han gjort ett mål och han gör ett ibland men som Werder Bremen fan vet jag också hur ofta och mycket han dessutom lyckas missa att göra mål. Han är helt enkelt ingen avslutare. Dessutom har han hittills aldrig visat styrka i en riktigt viktig match. Då försvinner han gärna och tappar kämpalusten. När trycket blir för stort viker han ner sig.

  4. Jennifer :) I miss you :)

  5. Hej hej ville bara passa på att önska er en riktigt skön helg

  6. Anonymous7:30 PM

    german's suck, spain rule.

  7. Anonymous8:15 PM

    haha, what a wonderful story! :)besides that i think we have got the same taste of men! i like this type of guy too!!;)
    how are your exams going? did u have a good feeling yesterday? have a wonderful vacation, but don´t forget to post!!

  8. hahahah..OMG! Jennifer hahaha...


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