Friday, August 27, 2010

He's just NOT that into you

I saw the movie a couple of days ago, and it was quite good, and with a really impressive list of actors and actresses in it, Scarlett Johanson, Jennifer Aniston, Bradley Cooper, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Connelly, Drew Barrymore etc.

The needy Gigi Haim is a young woman seeking her prince charming somewhere amongst her unsuccessful dates. After dating estate agent Conor Barry, Gigi anxiously expects to receive a phone call from him. However Conor never calls her. Gigi decides to go to the bar where he frequents to see him, but she meets his friend Alex who works there. They become friends and Alex helps Gigi to interpret the subtle signs given out by her dates.

I think that it definitly is a good movie for everyone to see, especially about dating, and how people act when they are interested or not. Well, of course there are steroetypes and a bit over the top stuff, but on the other hand people can learn a lot from it. But I still can't stand Jennifer Aniston, I just "hate" her.

I think that I have quite many girlfriends that are quite naive when it comes to guys, naive in their actions, and thoughts and I always have to act the counselor and adviser, which I don't really have anything against, 'cause I like helping people, but sometimes it is just hard, because you don't really want to hurt peoples feeling you know... I mean its not like you can scream at someone "Are you stupid? How naive can you be?!" I think that everyone needs to do their own mistakes, you can help them, guide them, but you can't thake the fall for them. Everyone needs to learn their own lessons.

And no, I don't say that I'm perfect, I'm sure not naive, but I'm rather totally on the opposite side of the page, which isn't good either. But I sure can give good advise. But to teach out the rules and follow them yourself, that's two totally different things.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    strasznie lubię ten film :D jest poniekąd całkiem prawdziwy :/


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