Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Life coaching and to be honest about the yoga

First time I went, I just thought "OMG! This is really not for me.." I honestly thought about skipping the rest of my 10 days-trail card that I bought. But then my stubborn part stepped in and said "You should at least give it one more try, 'cause everything is hard the first time". I felt sick already like 10 minutes into the first lesson, wanted to faint in the middle of it, needed to take breaks like all the time and my 0,5 liters of water was out when there was more than 30 minutes left (bikram yoga passes are 90 minutes long). I wanted to leave the got room (over 40 degrees C), but I stayed, 'cause I'm to big of a whimp when it comes to doing something as embarrassing as leaving a room in the middle of a class, especially when the teacher said we shoulden't.

So I forced myself through it, the cold shower afterwards was one of the best feelings ever and I came back the next day... This time I started to feel sick after about half of the class which was a great improvement. The third time I just needed to take some small breaks, and no illness came.

In my 10 days trial I only missed 2 classes, and now I'm kinda stucked on Bikram Yoga. I love it, and this past week-end I didn't have the possibility to go, on monday the course was full, and on tuesday, I came to late, so I didn't made the class either. That sucked so much, 'cause already on monday I had this cravings after yoga, you know like a f*cking addiction. It's crazy, but I really feel so great after a pass.

What I really wanted to say with it (except of the fact that I really wanted to be honest and show a worse side of my life), and except from the fact that bikram yoga is a great trainings form, is that everything you do in life will be hard the first time, that it is important to give everything a second chance (and of course a first), or a while to ajust, to be stubborn and never give up, 'cause the things that you least except something great of, can turn out to be one of the best in your life :) (well, yeah, the last weren't really about the yoga, but anyways..hihi..)



  1. Anonymous10:55 PM

    hey vicky,
    that was a nice post!and u really got the point!i don´t feel well in the moment about my life, but this words sound great and positive!thanks for that!:)

  2. What a shame that I don't have enough time right now to start some new activity in my life. This bikram yoga seems to be pretty cool thing, huh? I guess there must be a lot of sweating :) Good for you that you're not wasting time. In exercising it's not only about a fit body or so ever but I bet you feel way much better after such an exertion :) Keep it up!


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