Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Cute Substitute ♥

Well, sometimes you don´t like to sleep alone, and the last nights in Innsbruck were really nice :) Yesterday I decided that Atos could sleep with me... A big rottweiler in a single bed...well, not a great iadea..haha... It ended with the fact that I took my pillow and went to the living room and slept on the sofa, ´cause I mean I couldn´t really tell the doggie to get down, and he almost shuffled me off the bed anyways...haha... And I couldn´t take my blanket, ´cause he was all over it...

But it´s not that bad. When he was younger he slept in the room together with my grandpa, in the night my grandpa woke up and went to the toilet, when he came back Atos laid all over his bed, so he told him to get down, the dog didn´t moved, so he tried to get him off, then Atos started to growl, so my grandpa got scared and took his blanket and laid down on the floow..hahahaha... It was so hilarios when he told us the next day...hahaha...


  1. Anonymous11:24 PM

    great to be scared of you own dog

  2. love sleeping with my dog in my bed :]


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