Monday, November 29, 2010

Disney will always be Disney ♥

We saw the movie Tangled yesterday with my cus and her son. It was a really sweet and nice animated movie with a lot of funny parts. I especially loved the horse, Max :D

What was really funyn was when the sad party came, Maks (my cus' son) says "Nie wierze, ząb mi wypadł" I can't believe it my tooth fell out. We started to laugh so hard, and the people (parents) around us too, I nearly peed my pants, 'cause I drank 800ml of Cola Zero. Hilarious!



  1. daria6:57 PM

    Polecam obejrzenie filmu Harry Potter 7 Part I :D

  2. no chce go zobaczyc, ale dopiero jak przyjade do szwecji bo chce miec szwedzkie napisy :)

  3. Wiem ze w Polsce sa dwie wersje z dubbingiem i wersja orginalna po angielsku tylko ze sa jeszcze polskie napisy dodane :)

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