Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ron Jeremy - World´s Biggest Pornstar

Läste ut boken för ett tag sedan, men har glömt att skriva om den. Hårdaste Mannen i Showbiz heter Ron Jeremy´s självbiografi. Jag måste säga att jag färväntade mig mer om porrstjärnans liv. Visst var boken bra, men jag förväntade mig mer intriger och överaskningsmoment.

If you're looking for a serious, warts and all story of a life in the porn business, you won't find it here. Ron Jeremy's The Hardest (Working) Man In Showbiz is a light celebrity memoir, full of name-dropping, self-promotion and gossipy anecdotes. And a lot of those anecdotes are exceedingly funny. Never let it be said that Ron Jeremy doesn't know how to please.

Ron Jeremy has appeared in almost two thousand porn films. He's directed several hundred more. He says he has slept with almost four thousand women. In a book full of cocks and pussies and boners and anals and pop shots, there's something rather sweet but rather desperate in that euphemism "slept with". Ron Jeremy may have penetrated almost four thousand women, but he's actually slept with very few.

Famous for the rather dubious ability to autofellate, the size of his tallywhacker (my favourite new penis euphemism and I shall use it always) and that startlingly long list of credits, Ron Jeremy comes across as a rather good-natured man, as happy to tell jokes against himself as against anyone else. The book reads rather like an interview without the questions and if this kind of transcript ghostwriting irritates you, you won't like it. I don't mind it at all. It makes for an easy read as you skip merrily from name-drop to anecdote and from sexual exploit to porn title pun.

Ron is at his strongest when telling stories. He's also done a few turns as a stand up comedian, and he does know how to deliver a punchline. You can't help but enjoy a prurient interest in the number of A list celebrities who enjoy a dabble in the porn and swingers social scene. It's less enjoyable when he's detailing his failed attempts at getting in on the mainstream. We don't want to read about you failing, Ron, we want to read about you and your enormous schmeckel (that's another good slang term for penis I've picked up, but not as good as tallywhacker) conquering all that lays in your path.

The nastier side of the industry is also largely ignored. Since retiring from acting in porn, Ron's made a bit of a name for himself on the college-speaking circuit. The Oxford Union loved him. Apparently, he makes an excellent case for pornography in these debates. There's nothing of that argument in this book and much as I enjoyed Ron's stories, I'd have liked to have seen his brain in gear for a few pages too. I think this book is perhaps underestimating its readers, which I find vaguely annoying.

Still, The Hardest (Working) Man In Showbiz is a riot. I laughed out loud dozens of times. Ron Jeremy seems to be a grounded, friendly, pleasant everyman kind of chap, and perhaps that's the real secret of his undoubted popularity in porn. Well, that and his tallywhacker, of course.



  1. Check out Ron's latest foray into mainstream movies in the new movie "Beaches, Buns and Bikinis." Ron plays a wise beach sage who owns the coolest hotdog stand on the sand and dispenses love advice to the young.

  2. thanks, but I´m not really a porn fan..hehe... don´t really get the meaning of watching it :) I mean I don´t have anything against it, but it doesn´t give me anything.

  3. Actually it isn't a porn movie. It is a 21 century tribute to the campy comedy beach movies of the 1960's starring Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon. Ron steps into a similar role first played by comedian Morey Amsterdam. Really there isn't any nudity in this movie at all! There is a lot of dancing and singing!

  4. ahh, cool, then I will chekc it out :)


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