Thursday, November 11, 2010

What a lovely night ♥

We were supposted to go to Hilton for dinner, but it was so nice at my place that we decided to skip it and stay a bit longer with the guys before going for the ladies night.

And what a ladies night it was, I won the main price consisting of a 300€ check by Douglas, a bottle of Casino Sparkling Wine, some chocolate, some small stuff and a voucher for a Casino party for 13 people :D

During the time I got a champagne glass that wasn´t whole, so I cut my lip, which they of course didn´t let pass, so I got another voucher for another bottle of champagne :D

Then we went to Blue Chip, were both Luci and Markus worked, which was great and they were so sweet just giving us so much to drink (well, it is not that sweet right now I can tell you...). And then I don´t really now what happend, or how..haha.. But what happens in Blue Chip stays in Blue Chip, or outside..haha.. whatever.

So anyways, my dad is arriving today, I arranged for a hotelroom in the Alpart Hotel for him for tonight, because I want to have a smaller farewell party, and then I don´t think that it is a good idea to have him here..haha.. Especially not when I return in the middle of the night...hehe...

Oki, need to get ready for my last Uni course, then I need to go do some shopping and so on. Well, I agreed to bake a cake and Bernie decided which one with a smile "haha..I wanna see you do the biscuit-bottom..haha.."

That was quite mean, but hey..they´ll be surpriced about what a good cook I am ;)



  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    hope u not gonna regreat this.
    just moved from there to london and im telling u its way better.
    those ppl in us they crazy man!
    and its not that easy there right now, with the credit crunch and us economy, believe me its really hard to live there, prices are twice as big as for instance in london and obviously not that many cuties lol.
    anyway good luck :)

  2. thanks :) I don´t think so I love LA :)


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