Saturday, December 18, 2010

Harry Potter ♥

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 was the movie we saw at the cinema yesterday. I liked it, but I think that with every part of Harry Potter (this was the 6th one) it becomes more and more a movie for older people. I mean it is quite dark, and the things that happens are so not for children. Don´t you think?

Sometimes this part was a bit slow, where you felt that stuff could have been happening faster, but overall it was good. The second part premieres on July 11th 2010. Personally, I think its a bit too long to wait, should have been in may or something instead.
Yesterday´s outfit:

Jacket: Boomerang, Dress: MNG Mango, Leggins: MQ, Shoes: UGG Australia, Bag: Friis&Company



  1. Linn - Norge9:25 AM

    Den kjolen (les: klänningen) var veldig fin til deg!

  2. takk :) har lärt mig att kjole betyder klänning:P

  3. Anonymous8:13 AM

    ktora czesc tobie najbardziej sie podobala?

  4. trudne pytanie, przed ostatnia chyba. ale pierwsza tez jest super :)


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