Saturday, December 04, 2010

It wasn´t a joke

Before leaving for the hospital
Jacket: Canada Goose Chilliwack, Jeans: Gina Tricot, Bag: Friis & Company, Cap: SVEA

The truth is that I didn´t really chicken out. I will tell you the story as soon as then whole deal is closed, so that I know all about it. I was going to minimize my thighs, and the doctor did the markings, the reading was un-packed and the bed was given. But then something happend, that made me change my mind.
in the hospital

marked (sleeping wear from Pieces)

And then I didn´t blog at all yesterday because I was feeling sick, massive migrene and some puking in the evening :/ Maybe it was because of the psychic stress that I had to deal with, or maybe something else, I don´t know.



  1. sv: hihi ja som är sååå mysiga :D

  2. Superkul att du äär med i dagens blogg :)

  3. Anonymous10:42 PM

    What is with sport???


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