Sylwia tried this dress on today (forced by me) for New Years. Normally she only dresses in black, but I told her that this dress is fab. So now I need some help to convince her, so please vote in the poll what you think about the dress. I mean, how fun is it to have another little black dress on New Years, when like 85% of the people wear black on this night?! (and well, she doesn´t have the correct accessorizes on, so you have to imagine a bit)
Vicky a kto jest menagerem Gregora?
superkul att du är med i dagens blogg snygging :D
ale mam nadzieję że twoja kuzynka nie założy tych kozaków do tej sukienki na sylwestra?!
jego wujek Markus Prock.
/ / / // /
haha..nie nie... totalna wiocha z tymi kozakami do tej sukienki wyszlo no ale dzis miala takie kozaki na sobie :P
sv: tack så otroligt mkt <33
tu kuzynka, hahaha, zima jeszcze w sandalach nie chadzam, ale jak sie pozadaje jeszcze troche z Vicka to kto wie? ;-D
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