Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve :)

Tonight is the night. Last day of the year of 2010. And yes, I´m kinda glad :) It wasn´t a bad year, not as the terrible year of 2009, but it wasn´t a great year either. I did learn a lot though. But hey, lets not talk about it now, the Chronicle of 2010 will come in the next coming days :)

I was supposted to fly up to Stockholm, but guess what? All the flights were sold out for the regular student prices, and I don´t want to pay for the flight as much as a last minute trip to Egypt costs for one week all inclusive, just to go up to Stockholm.

So the last-munte plans for tonight is a dinner at Kayt´s place, they are having some people over, then there is a stage built up outside of the Opera and then we´ll go out to Étage :)

How will you spend New Years Eve?



  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Happy New Year 2011 Vicky! :) I'm actually staying in home.

  2. Anonymous9:43 PM

    happy new year!

  3. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Good blog, I'll come here more often

  4. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Good blog)


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