Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What a lovely day ♥

First I met up with Kayt, having some problems to get my car parked because of the huge amounts of snow that is laying everywhere on the streets (haaaate it).

We had a late lunch at Jensens Böfhus with some dessert. Baileys coffee with a bit of soft ice for me and belgian chocolate cake with soft ice for Kayt. Then we went to do soem shopping. Bought a christmas-present for Kattis and then took a xmas-coffee at Espresso House :)

It was a great day :) And not to cold with -4 degrees, and no snowing :)

Sweater: SVEA, Headband: H&M


  1. sv: superkul att du är med och tävlar :D

  2. Anonymous11:05 PM

    uwielbiam te futrzane czapki, ale sama się w niej w ogóle nie widzę :/


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