Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cleaning out my closet

I have tons of clothes, shoes, accessories and beauty-products. A lot of stuff are new or used like one time, and as you know I just keep on buying stuff all the time...

I just went through my jeans and I have jeans for over 10 000€, crazy right? So I have been cleaning out me closet since I woke up, taking pics and now I will put them out on swedish Ebay.

Yesterday I cleaned out all of ours CDs, and now there is 150 CDs for sale (som sagt, om någon är intresserad, så maila mig för en fullständig lista)


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    can you post a link to the auctions/ love ur style and clothes. im sure im gonna find something for me there ;P


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